Episode 12. The Assessment

In their twelfth episode Andrea and Alex sift through assorted feedback culled from emails, comments and social media. They dare to tackle the dark and tortuous questions from a year of horror podcasting such as, who are you? Why are you here? Are you ready to accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior?


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One thought on “Episode 12. The Assessment

  1. Luke says:

    I was listening to this episode and just had to chime in: PJ Soles DID adlib that awful line in Halloween about forgetting her books. She very proudly recounts a story about making it up on the day on one of the docos on the anniversary edition of the Halloween bluray.
    She also likes to tell the story about how when she went to the cinema to see the film with an audience that during the moment when she pulls down the bedsheet to reveal her chest and says to her boyfriend, ‘See anything you like?’ some dude in the audience yelled out: ‘Hot Damn, you bet your ass I do!’ I was always struck by how immodestly she recounts this incident.

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