Tag Archives: Children

Episode 9. Child’s Play: Children in Horror Films


Alex and Andrea regress back to childhood to discuss children in scary situations. From the good, the bad and the adorable, they tackle notions of class, purity and what happens to the kids who get picked last for Stick Ball.


The Bad Seed. Dir. Mervyn Leroy. 2004. [DVD] [Blu-ray]

The Omen. Dirs. J.M. Kenny, Richard Donner. 1976. [DVD] [Blu-ray]

The Devil’s Backbone. Dir. Guillermo Del Toro. 2001. (Criterion) [DVD] [Blu-ray]


Can You Call A Nine Year Old a Psychopath by Jennifer Khan, originally appeared in The New York Times Magazine. A fascinating look at families dealing with the real possibility that their child may be a psychopath.


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