Tag Archives: Ripley

Episode 46. Don’t You Forget About Me: 2016 Year in Review

2016REVIEWWhat were our favourite movies of 2016? What are your FAQs? And most importantly – is Alex or Andrea the better friend??


In Praise of Paul Feig’s Beautiful Male Idiot – Sam Adams article on Paul Feig’s cinematic trope.

Emily Shoichet, Tattoo Artist – Follow the amazing artist and friend of the Faculty through her social channels listed on her website.

Marxism and Literature by Raymond Williams. Andrea erroneously called it “Marxism and Culture” in the episode, but here’s a nice synopsis.

Reel to Real: Race, Sex and Class at the Movies –  bell hooks’ classic collection of essays on film and the importance of representation.

Danse Macabre – Stephen King’s treatise on classic and contemporary horror.

Fast Cars, Clean Bodies – Kristin Ross’ book on post-colonial France.

Generation Multiplex: The Image of Youth in Contemporary American Cinema – Timothy Shary’s analysis on the changing face of film consumption and its impact on the youth who consume it.


Right click or option-click here and choose “Save Target As…” to download the mp3.

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Episode 39. Alienation, Part 2: Alien 3 (1992) and Alien: Resurrection (1997)

Alien ep 2

The ’90s are alive in space with the sequels which have been derided and praised in equal measure. Drawing from the complex production histories of both movies, Andrea and Alex seek to understand the competing visions of the filmmakers and themes that underpin them.


Alien 3. Dir David Fincher, 1992.
Alien: Resurrection. Dir Jean-Pierre Jeunet, 1997.


Intertextuality: Hollywood’s New Currency – A video examination of Hollywood’s use of nostalgia as a tool of manipulation.

The Origins of Farce – A history of the farce theatrical movement and France’s particular take on it.

Image of the original newborn alien (NSFW).


 Intro song: Nail Ballet from Nightmare Picture Theatre, courtesy of James Zirco Fisher.
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